IMS Students Receive More Than $4.8M in Scholarships Offers
The IMS Class of 2024 has received more than $4.8 million in scholarship offers, over a four-year period, to attend some of the region’s top high schools.
Uniforms and Dress Code
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St. Barnabas Dress Code 2021-22
All students are required to be in proper uniform every day. Scholars should take pride in their appearance.
Parents/guardians are responsible for the purchase and maintenance of the uniform. If there is a problem obtaining the regulation uniform, please call the main office (215-729-3603).
Purchase uniforms from:
Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms
30 E Baltimore Ave.
Clifton Heights, PA 19018
Students should take pride in their appearance. Clothing should be clean and well-maintained.
Hair must be neat. No bandanas. Students may wear headbands of school colors only. Tights or undershirts must be in school colors (navy blue, white, gray, or black).
Jewelry: only post tiny stud earrings or small hoops no larger than a quarter. Students may wear one necklace. Students may not wear bracelets. A watch is permitted. No Smart watches; if worn to school, Smart watches must be turned off and placed in backpacks.
Cell phones must remain off and out of sight (in backpacks) throughout the school day, or placed in the classroom’s lockbox. Cell phones may not be used in school. Headphones should not be worn unless for a specific class activity. The school is not responsible for electronics including but not limited to cell phones, headphones, or smart watches.
Hair: Students may wear headbands of school colors only. No bandanas.
Personal appearance that constitutes a distraction is not permitted. Final approval/ disapproval is at the discretion of the Principal/Assistant Principal.
Sweaters, sweatshirts and sweatpants are now updated with our current logo. Prior versions may still be worn.
Pre-K & Kindergarten Uniform
Pre-K & Kindergarten students wear the gym suit daily. The gym uniform includes the following:
Navy blue sweatpants or shorts and grey t-shirt with logo. Students are encouraged to wear the long-sleeve version of the t-shirt in cooler weather.
Navy sweatshirt with logo.
Sneakers. Please put student’s name on all items.
Families should also send a spare change of clothing in a labeled plastic bag at the beginning of the year (in case of accidents).
ALL STUDENTS (Grades 1-8):
A white dress shirt, with long or short sleeves, properly tucked in, and a navy blue tie, with gray dress pants with a BLACK belt worn at the waist, and socks must be worn. An option to the white dress shirt and tie is the white polo shirt with the school logo. An official navy blue uniform sweater or sweatshirt is the only type of outerwear permitted. Please put student’s name in the sweater. All black shoes must be worn; all black sneakers are also acceptable.
(Grades 1-5) The official St. Barnabas plaid jumper (no more than two inches above the knee), worn with a white Peter Pan collar long or short sleeved shirt, navy blue knee socks, or blue, white or black stockings must be worn. An official navy blue uniform sweater or sweatshirt is the only type of outerwear permitted. Please put student’s name in the sweater. All black shoes must be worn; all black sneakers are also acceptable.
(Grades 6-8) The official St. Barnabas plaid skirt of modest length (no more than two inches above the knee), a white oxford dress shirt, with long or short sleeves, properly tucked in, must be worn. White polo shirts, properly tucked in to the skirt, may replace the white oxford dress shirt. Navy blue knee socks, or blue, white or black stockings are mandatory. An official navy blue uniform sweater or sweatshirt is the only type of outerwear permitted. Please put student’s name in the sweater. All black shoes must be worn; all black sneakers are also acceptable.
Students must wear their gym uniform on the assigned day. No other types of clothes are permitted.
No earrings on gym day.
Navy blue sweatpants, sweatshirts, and t-shirts with school logo are to be worn. Navy blue shorts may be worn during warm weather, and/or under sweatpants in the cold weather. Only St. Barnabas or plain navy blue sweats are acceptable.
Sneakers (of any color) are to be worn on gym day.
If at any time an exception in uniform is necessary, a note of explanation must be sent to the child’s teacher who will forward it to the principal. This note should indicate the expected date by which the uniform will be complete.
Occasionally students will be given permission to dress down for a day. The dress code for those days is as follows:
- Minimum Requirements:
- 1. Clothing must cover areas from one armpit across to the other armpit, down to approximately 4+ inches in length on the upper thighs (see images below). Tops must have shoulder straps. Rips or tears in clothing should be lower than the 4 inches in length.
- 2. Shoes must be worn at all times and should be safe for the school environment (pajamas, bedroom shoes or slippers shall not be worn, except for school activities approved by the principal). Sandals or open-toed shoes are not permitted.
- 3. See-through or mesh garments must not be worn without appropriate coverage underneath that meet the minimum requirements of the dress code.
- 4. Headgear including hats, hoodies, and caps are not allowed unless permitted for religious, medical, or other reasons by school administration.
- 5. Specialized courses may require specialized attire, such as sports uniforms or safety gear.
- Additional Requirements:
- 1. Clothing may not depict, imply, advertise, or advocate illegal, violent, or lewd conduct, weapons, or the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other controlled substances.
- 2. Clothing may not depict or imply pornography, nudity, or sexual acts.
- 3. Clothing may not display or imply vulgar, discriminatory, or obscene language or images.
- 4. Clothing may not state, imply, or depict hate speech/imagery targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or any other protected classification.
- 5. Sunglasses may not be worn inside the building.
- 6. Clothing and accessories that endanger student or staff safety may not be worn.
- 7. Apparel, jewelry, accessories, tattoos, or manner of grooming that, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark or any other attribute, denotes membership in a gang that advocates illegal or disruptive behavior is prohibited.
Administration reserves the right to determine what constitutes appropriate dress. Students who do not adhere to these guidelines will not be allowed to attend class. Parents will be called if appropriate clothing is not available or the student refuses dress-code appropriate clothing.
School Handbook
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St Barnabas Student Family Handbook 2021
This handbook contains certain policies and procedures of St. Barnabas School. St. Barnabas School may change any policy or procedure and apply them as circumstances dictate. All students, parents and guardians must accept and abide by these policies and procedures in order for the student to attend St. Barnabas School.
Parents and students are expected to sign and return the last two pages by the end of the first week of school.
Printed copies are available in the office. We will send home only the signature pages.
Snow Day Procedures
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School will do the following if there is a school closure due to snow:
Post message on Class Dojo
Parents need to check text and email messages and listen to KYW1060AM radio for school opening and closures.
We will follow the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s decision on school closures or delays.
St Barnabas School will open at 10:00 a.m. Breakfast is not served.
Lunch will be served. Dismissal is at 3:00 (2:00 on Thursdays).
Health Requirements
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Student Health Requirements
- Flyer for All Students: Immunizations ENGLISH-Immunization_Flyer-All_Grades
- New Students (all grades): STB-ENGLISH-00-New_Student_Health_Packet-2020-2021
- 3rd Grade: STB-ENGLISH-03rd-Health_Packet-2020-2021
- 6th Grade: STB-ENGLISH-06th-Health_Packet-2020-2021
- 7th Grade Flyer:ENGLISH-Immunization_Flyer-7th_grade
- 7th Grade Packet: STB-ENGLISH-07th-Health_Packet-2020-2021
- Medication in School: ENGLISH-ALL_GRADES-Medication_in_School
Requisitos de salud del estudiante (español)
- Todos estudiantes: SPANISH-Immunization_Flyer-All_Grades
- Nuevos estudiantes (todos los grados) SPANISH-00-New_Student_Health_Requirements-2020-20
- Tercer grado: SPANISH-03rd-Health_Requirements-2020-2021
- Sexto grado: SPANISH-06th-Health_Requirements-2020-2021
- Séptimo grado informacion: SPANISH-Immunization_Flyer-7th_grade
- Séptimo grado: SPANISH-07th-Health_Requirements-2020-2021
- Medicación en la escuela: SPANISH-ALL_GRADES-Medication_in_School
Yêu cầu về sức khỏe học sinh (tiếng Việt)
- Tất cả các lớp:VIETNAMESE-Immunization_Flyer-ALL_Grades
- Học sinh mới (tất cả các lớp): VIETNAMESE-00-New_Student_Health_Requirements-2020
- Lớp ba: VIETNAMESE-03rd-Health_Requirements-2020-2021
- Lớp sáu: VIETNAMESE-06th-Health_Requirements-2020-2021
- Lớp bảy: VIETNAMESE-Immunization_Flyer-7th_grade
- Lớp bảy: VIETNAMESE-07th-Health_Requirements-2020-2021
- Thuốc ở trường: VIETNAMESE-ALL_GRADES-Medication_in_School
Exigences de santé des étudiants (Française)
- Toute les clases: FRENCH-Immunization_Flyer-All_Grades
- Nouveaux étudiants (toutes les classes): FRENCH-00-New_Student_Health_Requirements-2020-202
- Troisième année: FRENCH-03rd-Health_Requirements-2020-2021
- Sixième année: FRENCH-06th-Health_Requirements-2020-2021
- Septième grade: FRENCH-Immunization_Flyer-7th_grade
- Septième grade: FRENCH-07th-Health_Requirements-2020-2021
- Médicaments à l’école: FRENCH-ALL_GRADES-Medication_in_School
(Updated May 1, 2020)
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